
Jul 26, 2011

Day Three... Best Beach Day!

Charlee June 2011.  This was the best day at the beach. We were there all day and it was gorgeous.  There was a storm that was 5 miles inland that we could see hovering the whole day but never drifted to us.  It was hot and we probably wouldn't have cared about a little shower.  Well Gavin had the evacuation route all scoped out and who was to grab what.  He kinda obsessed about it for a good 15 min.  I think he was just worried about his Ipod and Iphone.  I just cared about my camera! He was getting annoyed we weren't taking him seriously. HA

This is just a sticky mess.  We put the lotion on in the room before we went out in hopes it would soak in and not be such a sand magnet... it didn't matter there was sand everywhere on everyone.  My anxiety about her comfort level was relieved with a few swigs of my a-little-too-strong cocktail in our mugs we bought at Johns Pass that promised all day long enjoyment of a cold drink...
The ocean was pretty warm.  Slightly too warm because it didn't do its job of cooling you off when your skin is about to ignite from the sun.  Still amazing none the less.
Nina and Charlee shell searching.

Aww Manny must have been on a beer run since she is triple-fisting it.  Lazy boys... spent the whole day out there peeing on themselves probably... haha.

There is the storm that never was.  And thanks to the Gentry's for the perfect beach tent... that is still in the back of our car waiting to be dropped off... sorry R&M.
Sand Castle time.  We had huge plans for this... and then it was really harder than what it seems... seriously... so this is what we all could muster up in 90*.  What is a castle without a moat? well ours kept soaking up the water the second we added it.  Poor Papaw still made like 27 trips bucket in hand to fill er up... and it never worked. Charlee loved it and that's all that counts.

Manny I'm still upset we never had our beach hat picture.... man I REALLY WANTED IT.

One of my fav pictures.  How fun would it be to just be "nakee" on the beach?
We went to Gators.  Sad story... the food was not what we thought... so we went back to hooters when no one liked their meal.  That was a first time eating at two places for dinner for me and Gavin.

Calm little photo...
Its just funny..... this is our life!!!

Day Two

Of course we got too much at the store.  The lady scanning all our junk even was in shock for the amount of food we thought we needed for a week.  We didn't care, we were on vacation baby!! We made everything the first night so it was all done for the week.  Pasta salads... dip... washed/cut fruit... cut limes for yummy cocktails.  It was perfect.  Just like I had envisioned for months, and now its all falling beautifully into place.  Cue the ocean breeze and warm sun on your face with the background wave crashing....

We went to Johns Pass to check out all the shops and start checking off things on our "To Do" list from friends and relatives who have walked the boardwalk before.  We had Shipwrecks... wine ice cream and wine slushy mixed into a heavenly beverage.  Pina Colada wine ice cream with the strawberry wine ice on top = heaven. 
Tired girl fell asleep in the stroller... we positioned her in front of the fans when available.  It looked pretty sweet and usually I'm worried she is sweating like a banshee...
Off to Hooters because everyone was craving it again from the night before.  Their crab legs were to die for according to Gavin... so we went back because the view was pretty awesome too. (They were to die for BTW)

Biggest wing!!
Happy girl up from her cat nap.

She gets a little jealous if people try to love on each other without her being involved.  This is always fun for her.

All the ladies!!

Jul 13, 2011

Toes in the sand continued

Nina and Papaw
Sweet Sugar Bear
hugs for Nina
Melts my heart... Shes such a cutie and I want to just hug and kiss her so so so so much... to where she gets annoyed!


Papaw was obsessed with digging in the sand... he loved it.  We did dig out a big hole and found several shells and then Charlee wanted to get in the water hole and splash everyone!! When we would find a shell... we would show her and she would take it and throw it!!
This is the last of the pictures from our first day.  Don't worry, I don't have this many pictures for every day... well, I don't think... but maybe I do! We went to the store while Charlee napped, and then Nina and I made dips and pasta salads and cut up fruit while having cocktails and Greg, Gav, Kenz, and Mad went to dinner at Hooters!! Gavin loved their snow crab legs... we ended up eating there like 4 times!! It was really good!!
I know everyone was exhausted this day from traveling so we all were snoozing pretty early!!
Not without walking to the "Candy Kitchen" first... best ice cream eva!!

Jul 11, 2011

Toes in the Sand for the 1st Time!!

Madeira Beach June 2011
We waisted no time changing and heading to the beach.  This was my girls first time at the beach and I didn't know if she was going to love it or hate it... it could go either way because she loves the water but hates her hands being messy... so it could go either way?
On the way to the sand... its about 20 ft from here.  I'm snapping pictures like its my job.

She keeps walking, but silent as she walks staring at the white sand.  This is a little different from the sand at the Children's Museum.

Funny story: K and M were walking her out into the ocean and they were too busy talking that they let a wave crash into her face.  I was furious for about 30 seconds and Charlee got over it pretty fast.  Nice work ladies!

Oh... and I'm mom of the year because her water shoes mixed with sand causes a blister on my babys feet on the arch and for the rest of the vacation I was so worried about her shoes.  We had to put "bubbles" (foam neosporin) on it a few times!

Manny and Charlee digging in the sand.  We started a shell collection that I have big plans for...

Momma "Nina" and Momma

I own "Mom suits" - they are pretty cool.  Not really... but trust me... you want me wearing this!!
Okay this almost wraps up our first day... I still have a few more to add!  We had a blast and I was glowing and soaking up every second of being with my family.  I'm so pleased that my girl liked the sand and the ocean!! I was trying to remember a story or something funny that she did but besides chasing the birds for about an hour (sorry Nina) she was pretty silent soaking it all in.  I think she was overwhelmed and didn't have much to say... which is NOT the Charlee I know!! It was different but you could tell she was really playing hard with everyone.  She was a trooper too because I got splashed in the face and the salt water stings... she never complained! She loved us holding her out in the ocean and especially when we had to jump over the waves.  By the way... I love that I get to snuggle with her all week in bed!! She sometimes naps with me but other than that she sleeps in her bed like a big girl.  Momma is loving the snuggle time... but her and her daddy are very sweaty sleepers... and we don't have our king size bed so it was hot!!