Danielle and Charlee had a pomegranate for a snack. Charlee liked getting the seeds out... she wasn't a huge fan even if I tried telling her they tasted like little grapes.
Still have the crazy "new" hair growing in. Pure awesomeness if you ask me.
This is her new pose for the camera.

Potty training has begun. We stayed in for a week - good thing it was like 30 degrees outside and we weren't missing anything. She was totally bottomless the first few days then we put jammies back on for the rest of the week. Then we eventually worked in panties and pants when I knew she could pull them down in time. She was a sucker for the stickers. Every time she peed or pooed we would add stickers to her little chair that was in the living room for the first 3 days.. gross i know, but it was just close and she knew where it was... then it moved into the bathroom. She did great and only uses pull-ups at night. Actually she hated the pull-ups so she just fell asleep with her panties on and I would switch her to a diaper while she was asleep. After 2 weeks of waking up dry, we just left the panties. She hasn't had an accident yet!! its so nice to have a potty trained little one. It did make me sad and I didn't expect it to but I guess because she is getting so big it makes me want to hold on to everything that makes her little.
Not to worry - we still have a paci!!!
How cute is her booty with panties on? I just want to squeeze it all the time. Its a big booty too!! Love it.
We went downtown to the Super Bowl Festivities with Danielle and met Amber and Morgan at Bucas for some lunch and then went to the "big numbers" to take some pictures.
And I asked Charlee if she needed to Pee and she said yes... It was our first time out of the house and in a restaurant so she waited for me to put 10 layers of toilet paper down and then made her hold on to me... and it was a success!! She is a pro now. I didn't know if I should bring a seat and Lysol wipes to put in a baggie for the diaper bag or the disposable toilet covers... and after all the careful consideration of options I didn't bring anything (I'm blaming it on working the night before and getting 3 1/2 hrs of sleep before picking her up to go downtown) - it worked out I guess!! Mommy failure.
It was wear your favorite team day!! So of course we supported our Hoosiers!!
Charlee loved the "big numbers" and it was pretty warm out that day so it was very enjoyable for the kids to run and play at the monument.
I love the bird in the picture above. It turned out better than I thought.
We went to the Choc. Shoppe for fondue and it was horrible - I'm sure ill never live that one down, It was so good 4 years ago when we went for valentines day after Circ De Sole and it was pretty much warmed up choc milk with fruit to dip. Was not what I remembered. Disappointing.
I'm glad we went and have some pictures from when Indy rocked out the Super Bowl festivities!! Gavin didn't even go...