Pumpkin time at Anderson Orchard
This was Gavin's Fall Break so we got to have Daddy home for two weeks to help adjust. I was surprised at how much we were out and about. I guess after your second you just continue on with life. You don't stay inside for months "recovering" and trying to adjust to no sleep or the fact that your going to wear a huge diaper-like pad for weeks. The second delivery was much easier and the recovery was much faster so maybe that's why your able to get out of the house before your 6 week check up. And one of the fun places we went was to the orchard for some much needed apple slushies. Gotta get our last one of the season.

We also picked our pumpkins. I'm not sure we knew we were getting pumpkins today. I know this because I see no festive outfits or orange/black color scheme anywhere so it must have been a spur of the moment decision. No special tractor rides to the patch, just picked out of the bunch they already had ready to weigh and load into your wagon. It worked for us this year and Charlee was much more interested in the playground anyways. She unfortunately has developed a fear of bees. Its totally
my fault out of the blue. So she was happy to be away from the concessions that had swarms of those pesky bees.
Putting him to work on his vacation.
Yeah, this is so disappointing to look at... nothing says fall/pumpkins/apples like pink and purple outfits. Seriously... fail.
Had to get Mr. H fast asleep in his Moby. That thing is the bomb. He falls asleep instantly.

Bath Time

My little man has become really good at letting us know when he is done with his bath by having a lovely breast milk poo in the water. Then we are forced to get him in the shower. I remembered quickly why we never used those bathtub things. They are a waist. Showers are the way to go my friends. I spend the entire time thinking I'm going to drop him so I make tiny moves and have a washcloth between me and him for friction so he isn't so slippery and the before mentioned is not going to happen. Then I make Gavin reach in the shower to wash him so he gets himself and the floor soaked. Okay its not that bad, he stays much warmer, its not a ton of crap to clean up, and HE LOVES IT.
I'm not sure where this pretty lady is off to, but shes sporting her "chap stick" for the trip.
Another fun trip to the Children's Museum with the Hardins.
Charlee got this for her birthday and decided she was going to try it out with her baby Cindy.
She must be a lion or something. I can assure you she doesn't see me doing this.
Big sissy holding her bubby.
Such a sweet little shot. I love this.